Explanation to Equivalent Length

In order to simplify the calculation of equivalent length of pipe fittings and valves in plumbing engineering, EngineerMate compared different sources and determined the L/D factor for each of them as listed in the following table.

Comparison Table - Equivalent Length of Pipe Fittings and Valves
Fittings/valvesL/D (in/in) in Different Sources In PlumAL[1]
No. 1No. 2UPCIPCL/D[2]Code[3]Name[4]
90°/Ell 3030404040E90°/Ell
long 90Ell--
180” close return bends 67-
Gate 79888GGate
Globe 333275330330330LGlobe
Angle 167-170170170AAngle
Swing Check83-133133133CCheck
Butterfly Va-20
Balancing Valve--1818 B
Plug-type cock--181818BPlug / Balancing
  1. "PlumAL" is a tool package for calculation in plumbing engineering.
  2. "L/D" values in this column are used through-out the PlumAL and the EngineerMate site unless otherwise noted.
  3. "Code" is the letter assigned for each fitting or valve in plumbing system in PlumAL.
  4. "Name" is the full name or abbreviation assigned for each fitting or valve for better understanding.
  1. No.1: International Fuel Code and NFPA 54 adapt the data listed in Table XIV in Piping Handbook, written by Crocker, S. in 1945 and published by McGraw-Hill, Inc.
  2. No.2: Posted by the following websites: http://www.aquatext.com/tables/frict-wat.htm http://www.scribd.com/doc/24752539/Fitting-Equivalent-Length
  3. UPC: Uniform Plumbing Code
  4. IPC: International Plumbing Code

The L/D values for pipe fittings and valves are listed in the following table.

L/D values for pipe fittings and valves
Fit CodeFitt/Valve NameL/D (in/in)
F 45-degree ell25
E 90-degree ell40
T T-turn60
R T-line12
B Balancing & plug cock18
G gate/ball valve8
L globe valve330
A angle valve170
C swing check valve133


For a 2-inch Tee of copper tube type L, equivalent length, Leq = 60 x 1.965 / 12 = 9.8 ft

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